de fapt e o gradina cu trifoi in care eu astept sa vina greierii

de fapt e o gradina cu trifoi in care eu astept sa vina greierii

Saturday, August 28, 2010

o dimineata vesela si o dupa-amiaza foaaaaarte lenesa

in Herastrau am gasit veverite si o familie germana cu o fetita cu wave si cu catel jack russel. Andreas, tatal, Simone mama, Leonie fetita si Jackie, catelul. M-am dat cu wave-ul cu Leonie si am primit pupici de la catel. Mi-a placut de ei, erau veseli si incintati ca au gasit pe cineva cu wave si i-phone 4 in Romania, si nu s-au plins de nimic.
M-as bucura sa-i revad, desi mi-a fost jena sa le cer un nr de tel, un email, ceva. Simt ca ne vom regasi in parc in curind.

In Floreasca la Rue du pain am vazut azi numai oameni frumosi. I-am si spus Oanei, care a completat, daaa, si daca ai sti ca multi dintre ei au superfunctii in companii si se comporta extrem de normal si decent. Da, nici nu ma mir.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ted Talk cu Itay Talgam

acest film despre stilul dirijorilor  mi se pare genial, ma bucur ca am avut rabdare sa-l urmaresc pina la capat (20 minute).

Culmea e ca acum, seara, l-am revazut si mi-a placut si mai mult.
Lenny Bernstein e preferatul meu :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

The White City

I decided to write in English for my friends who may read this post and cannot fully understand my Romanian. They are not native English speakers, so I kind of ''afford'' to make mistakes with my English.

So, this morning we just returned from the second trip to Israel, this time for holliday. The first time we went in Febr 2009, mostly for business, but our hosts took us to visit more places then their office and factories.

This time we decided to come for the sea and beach. Because Liviu was unhappy with the cold sea we met in Spain during our June holliday, he kind of ''begged'' me to go to a place with warm water. So, what to do, where to go, I had a look on the map of Mediterana, and the  closest and least visited by us was Tel Aviv.
Considering we can meet our business friends there for a dinner or coffee, Tel Aviv looked like a good choice.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Casual 2010

Cel mai frumos cadou de la 2010:
3 noi prietene, toate conectate la arta, fiecare in mod diferit.
Am sa scriu despre fiecare in parte si am sa caut si poze cu fiecare.
De fapt, si mai bine, am sa scriu despre colectia mea de oameni minunati. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

inspiratie pentru prietenii mei Arhitectii

Stiam demult de conferintele TED insa pina azi nu am avut rabdare sa urmaresc pe cineva.

Azi, pentru prima oara am avut rabdare si liniste si l-am urmarit pe Cameron Sinclair, arhitect by training, social antreprenor vizionar care nu doarme niciodata...

Vedeti si voi de ce nu doarme:

ce bloguri mai citesc

un blog care imi place:

imi place la ei combinatia de moda, cuisine si cinema pentru ca acestea sint si pasiunile mele.

Go Dada !

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ce mai scriu oamenii cind calatoresc in Romania

Am gasit acest blog:

Inca n-am citit, deci revin cu comentarii dupa ce citesc.

un fel de Manifesto

Asa cum zice Samantha asa o am vrut sa zic si eu despre blogul meu, dar inca n-am scris.

Asa ca intr-unmoment de inspiratie, am sa scriu in romaneste si am sa postez.

Pina atunci iata:

this has been quite a week… I’ve often wondered how people who have blogs similar to mine handle these situations… personal, yet not really. I talk about places I see and people I enjoy and from time to time an update on my life (like getting married or launching the studio) but outside of that I don’t talk about personal struggles that all human beings have. I created the blog to be a creative outlet that is lovely, positive and hopefully inspirational. But I knew there would come a moment (and I’m sure there will be more) when it may be to tough to ignore the facts of life and just need a minute or feel the need to say something about it. The end of this week has been an overwhelming amount of unexpected and unfortunate news of friends and family. I am reminded of how fragile life really is. It was a tough one and a blog post about anything else doesn’t seem appropriate. So - tell people you love them, hug your pets and babies and parents, love the ones you see every day a little harder, don’t take anything for granted and take time to make that call to someone you haven’t talked to in a while or a fence you need to mend. Life is unpredictable, beautiful and short. Have a great weekend and I appreciate all of you so much!
